Multi-Signature Conduct

Multi-signature Standards of Conduct

Individual Multi-signature members and the CollarQuest DAO as a public entity must comply with policies of the CollarQuest Community.

Multi-signature members will treat other Multi-signature members, staff, and the public with dignity, courtesy, civility and will provide opportunities for all parties to be heard with due respect for their opinions.

Multi-signature members will comply with the authority and responsibility of the Ceremonial CEO and multi-signature signer to enforce Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised which governs the Multi-signature in its actions directed by the CollarQuest DAO.

When a Multi-signature member expresses personal opinions in public, the Multi-signature member should clearly identify the opinions as personal and not representative of the CollarQuest DAO.

A Multi-signature member will respect the privacy rights of individuals when dealing with confidential information gained through association with CollarQuest DAO governance.

A Multi-signature member will keep information and documents discussed confidentially.

Last updated