Multi-signature Wallet
Multi-signature Donation Wallet
The CollarCrew selected five (5) community members to provide an extra layer of protection of our donated funds located at 0x23Aa05DDF32F6D20AD0d3FcFBb7F5E05a4445AF8
On September 3, 2021, the following people were installed as our founding multi-signature wallet signers. The signer positions are; Position #1 Morpheus (Ceremonial CEO), position #2 Jared Dunn, position #3 Mr. Johnny Five, position #4 Nemo, position #5 LShtivi. The multi-signature wallet signers are NOT granted additional authority over the CollarQuest project.
Position terms. These positions are for two (2) year terms. With the best practice of not having 100% oversight turnover, we have created a staggered process to provide the best protection to our community. Position #1 and #3 will be up for election by December 31, 2022, position #2, #4 and #5 will be up for election by December 31, 2023.
Sixty (60) days prior to the end of any term listed above, any CollarCrew members who HODL COLLAR longer than ninety (90) days may be considered to become a COLLAR multi-signature donation wallet signer. No later than 20 days before any official vote, each person who wishes to be considered must declare their interest and be seconded by a Discord member holding the Discord Server Title of Logos, Nebuchadnezzar, or Admin. Thirty (30) days before the end of the current term, a public vote will be conducted where all properly nominated individuals will be placed on the CollarQuest DAO ballot. The person with the most votes for the position will be seated after January 1st following the election cycle unless the seat being installed is a vacant seat.
No later than January 10th of each year, the CollarCrew community elected multi-signature signers will convene a meeting for the purpose of self appointing ONE (1) multi-signature signer to the position of DAO Admin. This new multi-signature signer DAO Admin will be added to the prior years' multi-signature signer DAO Admins with the additional authority to initiate a new COLLAR Proposals without the requirement of holding 5,000,000,000,000 (5t) COLLAR. People who hold or held the title of multi-signature signer DAO Admin may be asked to facilitate such a meeting for the purpose of adhering to RRoO.
Last updated