

CollarQuest is structured as an open-ended digital SPARC-E metaverse. The CollarQuest core team will build functionality for the game assets associated with the CollarQuest brand in concurrence with the community. The CollarQuest metaverse must be fun above all else; only by having an immersive gaming experience can the ecosystem attract enough participants to accrue value to the network.

The play to earn issuance represents 15% (75,000,000) of the total TAG supply. The goal of the play to earn tokens is to attract a wide range of players to the COLLAR ecosystem in the hunt for token rewards and to give ownership and stake to the most active community members.

We envision using the play to earn a portion of the issuance to reward key behaviors within our ecosystem such as:

  • Competing in the arena and winning matches.

  • Winning tournaments.

  • Interacting with and tending to your land plots.

  • Using the CollarQuest marketplace.

  • Breeding SPARC-E.

  • Using future CollarQuest Ecosystem products that haven't been announced yet.

‌The Play to Earn allocation can be seen as a marketing budget for the CollarQuest ecosystem. When certain game modes and products are ready to be promoted, its play to earn allocation could be increased.

These allocations are something that could potentially be decided by governance over time.

The TAG earned through the Play to Earn allocation will initially be open for trading immediately, but the development team will monitor the situation closely to decide if a lock-up on rewards is needed.

Why Play to Earn?

A game needs players. By simply playing the game, community members are adding value to the network and should be rewarded. It’s simple but revolutionary.

Last updated